Reservation and Delivery

You can reserve toys online through your Bellingham Play Library account, and choose to either pick them up during open hours, or have them delivered to you (within Bellingham city limits)!  When you log into your Bellingham Play Library account, you can browse toys and then choose to reserve up to 4 toys - even if you already have toys checked out!

Please reserve toys for the near future, so we don't have to hold them for too long.  You CAN request toys that are currently on loan - the calendar will show you when they are due back from a different member, though people do not always return toys on time.

Toy delivery is on Wednesdays after 5 pm: please reserve your toys by 1 pm that day.  If you have toys checked out, put those out and they will be picked up when your reserved toys are dropped off.  Its a swap!  Please use the "add notes" section of the reservation page to give details on where to leave the toys.

Toys reserved for pickup can be collected while the toy library is open on Wednesdays from 2-5 pm.  Use the tutorial below to walk through the steps for delivery or pickup: the software isn't super intuitive :)

How to reserve toys for home delivery or pickup

Questions?  Email :)